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Casual Guth
May 26, 2021
First up, a character for manga/anime inspired stories full of teen angst, cringe pre-teen writing, and just straight up filled with raw early 2000's energy.

The Deets:
Between 18 and 22
5 ft 2 in
100 lbs

Roleplay-ability: Pretty much anything. Slap some ears and a tail on her and she is a cat girl. The details above are pretty much just that. Age changes a little, based on story, but the rest pretty the same since her creation. WELCOME THE MARY SUE EVERYONE. No, I don't feel bad or ashamed.

Ok, now that that's done, onto some characters with more depth.

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 172 lbs

Nationality: Spanish (Adopted as a baby by English-speaking couple)
First Language: English
Second Language: None

*More details can be hashed out, if needed, but most of my stories involve details being brought forward by interaction. If they are friends, that's another story entirely, but in that case more details would be released.*
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