Hello everyone!

Nov 21, 2020
Hello everyone!

Thank you for the heads up about this new community. I wish everyone wonderful opportunities to tell stories together.

A little about me wouldn't go amiss...I'm Casper and I first fell in love with roleplaying when in my childhood but by the time I reached my late teens I was more engaged with other pursuits and seemingly forgot about RPG's for about 20 years.

Around 2013 I discovered an online role-playing community, tested the waters and never jumped back out, transitioning from ttrpg on forums to freeform creative storytelling quite quickly. I'd always enjoying writing and back when print was a thing regularly wrote for fanzines about sport, music and politics so it was great to get back into things.

Other people like my writing and characterisation but I am my harshest critic, thinking everything I write is clunky.(How I long for the purple prose of my peers!)

My tastes are quite varied, I love my fairytale romances and I love to smatter my writing with comedy and more than a few of my characters have a certain whimsy to them. At the same time I am often writing practically irredeemable living nightmares and exploring dark horror themes. I've also got a spin off going on of another roleplay I was in, except that it is set five hundred years in the past in my home town exploiting local legends to have a political/religious/magical/romantic backstory to another story I am sharing.

The pinnacle of my writing experience was when I made myself cry writing a post (honestly it was heartbreaking). The only thing was I was in a busy city centre coffee shop at the time. At lunchtime. In my suit... (And I don't care because if a post I am reading or writing can make me feel that then it shows how much our writing can touch our hearts and I wouldn't swap that for anything.)

My current passion for writing is quite niche and I get why. We write to escape reality and whatever is going on in our lives. However, I had an epiphany when I was about 14. Something stupid happened with my friends and I said, 'we should write all this down because we'll forget'. The thought has never left me. I am convinced that everyone has a wonderful story to tell and yet those stories go untold. So, on the commute or sat in a cafe I am often wondering about the wonderful lives of others. I had a wonderful writing experience running a roleplay in the genre of gritty social realism which I adored but sadly fizzled out (like I say, I get it's niche). I realised I was paying a homage to my own youth and experience and I loved hearing those voices again.

In real life, I am a happily married man with a couple of (mostly) adorable kids. I live in the UK and I'm quite passionate about the work I do. The very short version is that I help improve public services but what I really do (or at least try to) is coach, listen and develop people's capacity to design services and work in a way that realises human potential and happiness, encouraging autonomous, self directed and collaborative ways to live and work (bit of an ask I know!)

Thanks for reading and hopefully the stars will align for a story here and there.

Much kindness everyone!


Moderator of Chaos
Staff member
Horde Soldier
Nov 10, 2020
Welcome to the site! It's always a touching moment when what you are writing stirs your emotions, it's happened to me as well a few times! I look forward to seeing what you can do! ^.^