Hello There!


The Golden Apple
Nov 10, 2020
Hello there!

I'm Torack! Been roleplaying for a about seven or so years now, but I've been into creative writing for my entire life! I love sports, I love games, and the gym is my baby. And, of course, I love writing! Sports I like include tennis, football (both kinds ;)), and basketball. I unfortunately don't really play much games anymore, thanks to college, but I may waste some time with the occasional mobile game here and there.

And I love apples. Hands down the best fruit. No cap. Can't change my mind on it.

Anyway! Looking forward to seeing and writing with all you!
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Lady Asjira

The Lady In The Tipped Top Hat.
Nov 8, 2020
*belatedly tips my hat to my possible new writing partner* fare thee well.