Closed Community Question New Bumping? Give your Opinion.

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Mama Undead
Staff member
Horde Leader
Nov 5, 2020
Hello, my Lovelies.

This is to discuss bumping in the 1 x 1 threads.

Recently, we learned that there is an add-on to assist with the control of bumping.

Put simply, instead of writing 'bump' and adding spam to a thread, you will be able to click 'bump' and it will act like one, moving your thread up on the list.

That's the easy part of this and it will be implemented.

What we want your opinion on is how to curb people still writing 'Bump' through other mean.

Option 1:

The first is to make no other changes, adjust our rules, and just delete an written 'bumps' we see while sending reminders to our users about how to bump a thread.

The issue is this will lead to a lot of people choosing to ignore the bump button (just as they often do the bump rule) and create more work for admins and moderators.

Because of the above, it is not an ideal option, but may be the easiest.

Option 2:

The second is to completely disable posting in the 1 x 1 forums beyond the first post. We already have it so other users cannot post on other user's threads, so we could just cap it at 1 post per user and they simply have to continually edit their one post without the ability to add anything else.

The only issue with this option, even if I understand the benefits of doing it, is that some people prefer to separate their thread into sections, linking to different areas via the first post. Some people also like to make posts about updates, which will still be allowed and no longer considered a form of 'allowed bumping' but, instead, a form of updating.

Later Add: If we go with option 2, we will give users the ability to contact me (UndeadEyes) to add in a second post should they want a clean area for added content or a place where they can write updates. It will be limited to a specific amount per user, but would still be easier than deleting constant bumps.

Option 3:

The final option is to find a way (we're still researching) to limit how many times a user can post on their own thread. This would allow them to add a few extra posts but, should they use it incorrectly, it will take away their ability to continue using it when they run out of allowed 'extra' posts. This will make it so people can break their search threads into sections (within reason) and/or use the extra posts to add little updates (deleting old ones to be able to write new ones).

Admins and Mods would still be required to address inappropriate bumping, but it would give people a little more freedom.

Of these options, which do you think is the best for Writing Home to implement?

If able, let us know your first and second choice and why you prefer it.

I will go over all the answers with the founders and admins/mods to come to a final decision.

Thank you kindly for your time!


Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
In my opinion, the best choice is to allow contentful posts in the thread (i.e. "I added a couple plots involving vampires! / Back and looking for more!"), but disallow messages merely stating "Bump" and the likes. That would easily lead to the third option, though how many is too many? At some point the user would need to remove old content updates to make space for newer ones, if that even works as intended. It would require quite a bit of testing, and likely still end up being something of a nuisance down the line.

I vote that while we are more manageable in size as a site, we should move forward with option one. It's the least disruptive to the common user, making their integration to the community easier, and while our numbers are manageable not too much work for administration (hopefully). Then in time when the numbers grow, leaning to the more automated third option might be worth it.


Mama Undead
Staff member
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Thread starter
Nov 5, 2020
In my opinion,
It is likely to work that way unless I can find a clean method of limitations for 'update' posts. I have found a series of add-ons that are for flood control and can be target to forums and groups, allowing us to limit how many posts. I still need to study it more and would thoroughly test it on another forum before it ever went live.
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Fantasy Music Composer
Jul 1, 2022
In my opinion, the best choice is to allow contentful posts in the thread (i.e. "I added a couple plots involving vampires! / Back and looking for more!"), but disallow messages merely stating "Bump" and the likes. That would easily lead to the third option, though how many is too many? At some point the user would need to remove old content updates to make space for newer ones, if that even works as intended. It would require quite a bit of testing, and likely still end up being something of a nuisance down the line.

I vote that while we are more manageable in size as a site, we should move forward with option one. It's the least disruptive to the common user, making their integration to the community easier, and while our numbers are manageable not too much work for administration (hopefully). Then in time when the numbers grow, leaning to the more automated third option might be worth it.
Yeah, in my humble opinion, I can see situations where it might be nice to add 2-3 replies back-to-back on a single thread (for example, if the characters split so the GM wants to make a separate post for each character), but I can't imagine a situation where anyone would need to do that more than twice in a row, MAYBE thrice. I think option 3 might be fun to experiment with :).


Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
@Hawksearcher the thread's topic is 1x1 recruitment threads, so there shouldn't be a GM at that stage, unless I'm misinterpreting what you are saying. Those threads are currently locked just to the OP anyway, I think?


Fantasy Music Composer
Jul 1, 2022
@Hawksearcher the thread's topic is 1x1 recruitment threads, so there shouldn't be a GM at that stage, unless I'm misinterpreting what you are saying. Those threads are currently locked just to the OP anyway, I think?
Ahhhhh, I see, I see. That makes more sense. My bad for missing that.

If that's the case, I'd go with option 2 :).


Mama Undead
Staff member
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Nov 5, 2020
Ahhhhh, I see, I see. That makes more sense. My bad for missing that.

If that's the case, I'd go with option 2 :).
And if we go with option 2, there will likely be an update in the rules that states; "If you are someone who desires a second section for cleaner sorting of your thread, contact UndeadEyes".

I can still post in places users cannot. So, I can easily make a post and then swap the owner over to the thread holder so that they can then edit/use it for the purpose intended other than a bump.


Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
"If you are someone who desires a second section for cleaner sorting of your thread, contact UndeadEyes".
This sounds like unusual management overhead that might seem like its favouring some users over others by "letting them have stuff others can't have" as false as it would be. But if it's something we would allow anyway, this just sounds like its adding extra steps that detract from the user experience. Are the extra hoops really worth it?
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Mama Undead
Staff member
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Nov 5, 2020
I don't see it being an issue. It'd be less work than constantly deleting bumps, but also allow people one or two extra posts for design or update purposes. Limiting everyone to one is detracting from the creative experience for those who desire creativity or just like to keep their updates separate from their main post.
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Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
Yes, we do not want to limit everyone to one post per thread as far as I am concerned - we could maybe discourage bumps outside of the bump button with a character requirement of something like ten on posts as a soft tool to direct people to the correct means but not make it a bother for actual post splitting usage? After all, I am all for contentful extra messages and I would not like to block them behind admin action.

Besides, after a user is informed of the button once, they should get the memo right? Hopefully most people would get it before that just as well. The function not being readily available to all users would end up with it being underutilised even by those that'd like it I fear.


Mama Undead
Staff member
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Nov 5, 2020
The issue is, a large handful of users will not read the rules, forget the rules, or be ignorant of them.
Despite the thread having a clear "Read the rules concerning bumping" above the forum and their own thread, they do not.
This is why I am against the option of just leaving the 1x1 section open as people will, sadly, more often than not, still bump and I will have to repeatedly remind them.

This is more work than limiting it to 1 and letting those who do want to be creative or have a second spot for updates message me and say "Can you create one really quick for me".

For every 10 bumps removed, we'll likely only get one person asking for an extra spot in comparison.
More so, removing and informing of the bump rule makes many users feel bad (because they forgot, they didn't mean too, etc), vs people being happy when they get an extra spot.

I don't mind a little extra work for myself if I'm making users happy. It's extra work where I know I may be making a user feel bad about forgetting or ignoring a rule that I don't like. Lol. Joys of being an admin.
May 22, 2022
I think option 3 is the best as it allows for a specific number of posts forcing someone to choose wisely, and if they don't, then its their loss. The Option 2 seems to be the best option until Option 3 can be figured out though it seems to create much more work for Undead than I think is necessary to put on one person. But it seems to be the better option to stop the written bump posts.


Mama Undead
Staff member
Horde Leader
Thread starter
Nov 5, 2020
I think option 3 is the best as it allows for a specific number of posts forcing someone to choose wisely, and if they don't, then its their loss. The Option 2 seems to be the best option until Option 3 can be figured out though it seems to create much more work for Undead than I think is necessary to put on one person. But it seems to be the better option to stop the written bump posts.
Yeah, sadly, 3 may be a while because I cannot find a thing that limits posts (the ones I thought did don't, so I have to do some more research or see if I can hire someone to build an add-on). #2, right now, won't be very hard on me. It will get harder if we get bigger, but still likely doable.
May 22, 2022
Just wanted to make sure that you werent overloaded. You are a person and you are already always on the go. I don't like the thought of you being overburdened.
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