Fantasy Beast Within

Jan 26, 2021
(due to this rp being moved from somewhere else, posts from my partner will be noted with their username at the top for their posts that have been moved over.)

Northern Frontier Lands, Celestial Year 513

with a mighty sound that ripples throughout the forest an ax flies haphazardly through another log, its newly twined halves ricocheting from the blow. Twirling once, twice and then falling from the withering remnants the stump it'd been atop mere seconds before. Each piece thumping atop an ever-growing pile on either side. Winter was coming, there was already a nip in the air. In truth, some of this wood should've been chopped already. The cold seemed to come earlier out here, out of the corner of his eyes Yyjorn could already see leaves starting to turn. Hues of Golds, Yellows, and Oranges tickled the trees in between their normal vibrant greens. Heaving a sigh he slams the ax down burying its head deep into his make-shift work station.

With a grunt, he shifts his weight downwards buckling at the knees Yyjorn brings a great deal of his weight down. Taking care to gather up much of the wood it's a labor to return himself to a standing position, the additional mass sending his balance off-kilter. With a bit of extra effort he rises, grip on the wood tightening. "Fates above." His muttering is reduced to something more of a wheeze as he trudges to a nearby cabin, it was a small thing; one of many that dotted the landscape. There was a seldom spoke law amongst Monster Hunters observed by both those of the Guilds and Independent. If you are in need of rest and come across a lodge during your travels you are welcome to take shelter there.

It was an ancient saying that hunters were made to know by heart. While the original wording has been lost it went something along these lines; 'No man, nor women shall be barred from the protection of their fellow hunters. For we do not hunt as a matter of honor but rather as one of need. Taking up sword, shield, bow, and ax against those that would seek the destruction of humanity and her allies. So let the collective resources of those whom brave the wilderness and it's night not be stood alone in their hour of need.' It was a lot of fluffy and poetic wording that really boiled down to a simple meaning; if you'd go blade to teeth or claw with some hellish thing tore straight from a children's storybook or some long-forgotten myth then you'd have shelter scattered across the known world.

There's a crich-crunch beneath his boots as he trods along, sticks and leaves mixing together to create a soft but noticeable chorus. It made hunting in this season harder, while it was true most would see him as a 'monster hunter' people tended to dramatically under-estimate how smart some of the creatures that he hunted were. While it's true that beast like; Wargs, Basilisk, and other such critters were deemed as 'monsters' and hunted there were smarter creatures out there. Ones that were more dangerous, and in some cases organized.

It takes Yyjorn about ten minutes of stacking to re-supply the wood rack, tossing a few into the fire-place he groans. "Thul-mos-bvern." In a near whisper, he lets the words spill from his mouth, it was a simple spell that almost any mana-positive person could cast. While he was by no means a mage, nor a sorcerer or even a spell-weaver he did know some basic magicks. He scarcely knew fives spells, really he only used magic to make his pack lighter. He had no need to carry flint, nor any combustion-based light source. He didn't use his spells in combat so he could waste what little mana-reserves he'd fostered making camping and traveling easier. He snickered to himself at the thought of what a professional mage might say if they knew his thought process and how little he labored over magic.

However, he is pulled from his own musings when a scream cuts through the air. All at once ever sound besides fell silent, his ears perking seemingly tracing from what direction it had come. He'd just come indoors so it couldn't have been far off, after all, he'd not have been able to hear it at all had it been some great distance. These woods were dense and while leaves had begun to fall the trees were not so bare they couldn't muffle sounds. All the same, he sprung into action snatching his scabbard as he stomped out the door. Slamming it behind, causing the small shack to rattle as he did so.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
It had been a hard day, one year exactly since her father succumbed to that horrid illness that targeted the young and the old. He had been buried at the edge of the farm he had raised her on. Yvette brushes her hair behind her ear after placing some flowers on his grave. "I miss you dearly." She speaks softly, about to speak more when she hears a twig snap. "Who is there?" The young woman looks around her heart racing as a creature steps from the woods a predatory leer on his face.

"You will be a perfect mate. Beautiful not to mention strong enough to survive the change." Reaching forward he grabs her arm preventing her from running. He pulls her into himself and runs his fingers over her cheek before wiping away her tears. "Do not cry little one." He croons, grip tightening. "Soon you will be more then a pathetic human."

"Please! Let me go!" Panic tinted her voice and she whimpers as he lowers his mouth to her shoulder.

"This will hurt. But I know you can handle it little one. You will be a beautiful wolf." And with that he sinks his teeth into her shoulder causing her to scream out in pain. He just laughs and drags her into the woods. However he did not expect her to squirm free from his grasp.

Blindly she ran, one hand gripping her shoulder tightly while tears ran down her face. Her head ached in a blinding headache while she felt an odd pressure in her rear. It all hurt so much that she got lost. But then she saw somebody that appeared to be human approaching her. "Please...please help...." She cries out as she collapses to the ground. Her hand was still grasping at her shoulder but blood had seeped through by this point. As she collapsed she sobs then everything goes black the young woman reaching out towards him with the last of her energy.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

Arne was surprised when his quarry had managed to wretch herself from his clutches, but not disappointed no he needed someone with a bit of feist in them it'd mean they might actually survive the turning. Having ruminated on his selection of a mate and her escape he let a grin slip across his muzzle lips peeling back, early evening light glinted off each dagger-like extremity that crowded up his mouth. Slick and fresh blood crawling down the forefront canines. "Really now, I didn't even get your name isn't it rude to wander off before we're properly acquainted." He couldn't control the guttural laugh spewed forth as he fell to all fours, bounding off in chase. He couldn't let her wander that far from him, while he'd smelt the tinges of smoke off in the distance and doubted they were alone out here he wasn't sure how far off these potential interlopers could be. It wasn't so much that he didn't want her found, after all, she'd need medical attention for that gash that he'd left in her shoulder. It wasn't what he'd wanted to have happen, but her escape had taken him by surprise. A misfortunate circumstance that'd caused him to do more harm then he'd wished. Normally those that are turned only suffer a few teeth marks and while he hadn't taken a chunk of skin out of her the sheer jaggedness of his fangs had taken a toll on her shoulder. She was bleeding, deeply and if not properly disinfected and dressed she would die.

The thoughts angered him, when he caught her and she was given proper medical attention he would need to punish her for jeopardizing his plans. She would need to taught her place, but there would only be time for that later if he caught her. The subsequent chase was admittedly a short affair and more akin to stalking, he'd picked up her scent in short order and closed the distance with incredible speed. Making great use of his quadrupedalism before leaping up into the trees bounding from branch to branch always staying just a few yards back, it wasn't that he wanted to hide his presence or at least, not from her no he made no small effort to stay just at the edge of her periapical vison. He was more worried about being able to blend into the woods around him should she come across the help that she so desperately was surveying for. So it had taken him no great labor to hang back when she'd collided with a man bounding deeper into the woods, no doubt seeking the source of a scream, the girls scream. Arne immediately felt a mixture of emotions, he'd hoped that she'd simply collapse before coming across help. Then it'd be a simple matter of scooping his prey up and returning to his den, this complicated matters. Not by much, but a complication none the less. He had no doubt that the girl would receive the medical attention she needs, but there was something about the man she'd collided with. He was dangerous, and while the predator couldn't place it he could sense it. Watching with calculated eyes he assessed the newcomer, taking stock of his features and the way he walked. Even from here he could make out the man's words. "By the fates girl what has you so, gods above what happened to you." He watched as the man leaned down, inspecting the girl. Inspecting his mate. Anger flared inside him, he was tempted to fling himself from the branches and rend the man's eyes from his head. How dare he eye her so!

It took a great deal of effort to keep still as the stranger scooped the girl into his arms and began to return the way he came with a brisk pace. Arne dropped from the trees hanging back a good distance he shadowed the pair as they made their way through the forest. While he could have just waited and followed her scent he wanted to gather information on whom this man was. Why he gave off a feeling of danger. The Lycan had never felt such a strong aura before, never felt as if he couldn't simply rush an opponent and slay them in a bestial rage. He'd followed and watched as this trophy was taken to a small cabin. It was a largely non-descript thing, a single-story building made up of logs stacked atop one another. No doubt ones that had deep cuts sawed into each end to be stacked atop one another. There were a few windows, but only in what appeared to be the main room, a fireplace that seemed to be lit smoke flowing from its chimney. Arne hung about the edge of the clearing until the interloper had retreated inside before turning to leave. He'd satisfied his curiosity for the moment. He would return later to collect what, or more accurately who was his. After all he had time to let the man tend to her wounds he'd been careful in his timing, the next full moon was about two weeks from now. When a Lycan is first turned, they go through a nightmarish time. Being racked for several days with a pox-like fever before all symptoms dissipate as quickly as they came. Leaving no trace of Lycanthropy until the next full moon where they are turned in earnest, taking on their new bestial form until the break of dawn where after they revert to their human forms until the next full moon. While it's true that older were-creatures could shift at will that wasn't without years of training, or aid from a totem created by a magic-user to help them control the beast that had poisoned their souls.

Yyjorn hadn't been sure what he'd find out in the woods, much less of what might find him. So it'd been a great shock when a young maiden had surged forth almost as if spawned by the very trees themselves, she'd collided into him with such great force he'd almost been knocked back. Before he'd the time to inquire as to who she was or from where she'd come the girl had begged for help, hands gripping her shoulder before whatever wound she'd been clutching over-took her and she'd collapsed. He'd taken mere seconds to examine her injury and take stock of how serious it was, while he couldn't make out the shape of the wound itself the blood slithering from between the maiden's hands like some sinister pack of snakes told him what he needed to know for the moment. She needed serious medical attention and he couldn't provide it her, so scooping her up in his arms taking great care so that her arms would be pressed against him as to keep the pressure on the wound he'd bounded off towards the cabin as fast as the injured state of his parcel would allow.

He'd damn-near broken the door down as he'd re-entered the cabin, he'd kicked the door shut struggling to keep balance before making his way to one of the bedrooms and laying the girl down atop the bedsheets. Then he'd turn almost tripping over himself to make his way to the cellar leaping down the hatch not bothering with the ladder, he'd ransacked the various storage shelves for bandages various potion and salves before almost splitting each rung of the ladder on his way back up. The hour and a half had been a flurry of activity, while he'd been hesitant to violate the girls' modesty he hadn't much choice needing to remove her tunic to properly clean, dress and bandage the wound. He'd done his best to avoid letting his eyes wander up and down her petite but defined frame. While there was no doubt that she was indeed a she there was noticeable muscle mass to her weather a sign of a life well fed or one of the simple labors he couldn't be sure. However, having done the best he could to preserve her life he'd then gone to his personal effects in his own guest room. A modest collection a backpack and belt adorned with various pouches he'd collect thread and needle and taken to mending her tunics massive hole. This had taken him another thirty minutes and then he'd drifted back to his guest as he'd heard her stirring. Setting the tunic upon a chair he'd sat on while tending her wounds he went and leaned in the doorframe watching her wake, there were questions he wanted to ask. But they could wait for her to stir properly.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
Her eyes opened briefly for a moment as she was scooped up the man having a different aura to him then the one that had bitten her shoulder. So she simply allows herself to pass back out again once more as he carried her away. Any time she was jostled she let out a pained moan while sweat covered her face the maiden seeming to have a fever. Yvette had no idea how much time had passed before she finally started to stir once more. A sheen of sweat still covered her face and her shoulder felt as if it was burning right where the bite wound was. That was due to the venom that had been injected into her as to cause her to turn into a beast similar to the one that had infected her with the intention of making her his mate. Such things were far from her mind as she tried to process where she was.

Pale blue eyes looking around the room filled with pain and fear and upon seeing the man who was leaning against the door frame she lets out a frightened whimper. He was not the one that had attacked her and she realized he had been the one that she had reached out to for aid. Then, and only then did she relax some. Well, at least, she relaxed as much as she could given the pain that ripped through her body. "Where....where am I?" She rasps out, her throat feeling raw for some reason. Perhaps it was from the scream when she had been attacked? Then a thought hit, what if the man was a beast as well? What if he was merely keeping her contained until the one who had attacked her caught up? It was enough to cause her to attempt to get up even though her muscles screamed at her.

The young maiden seemed frantic as she attempted to stand only to collapse back down onto the bed. "Get away, I have to get away!" She sobs out. "I can't let him find me!" Unable to walk she manages to get herself on the floor intending to crawl away only to fall into a heap letting out a cry of pain. "I can't let him find me....he...he attacked me...if he finds me...." She was panicking, unable to think clearly as she curls up on the floor into as small of a ball as she can. What if he knew where she was and was just biding his time before coming back for her? She didn't want to be a werewolf! She knew she would not be able to return to the farm and that made her sob heart breaking sobs while her body shakes almost violently.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

Almost immediately upon the girls stirring to back to consciousness, she erupted into a fit of panic; though it was short-lived. Ending with the girl collapsed half-out of the bed attempting curling herself up and shut the world out. Yyjorn simply remained where he was, unsure of how best to proceed. "You need to stop thrashing about before you tear open your shoulder again." First and foremost he needed to make sure she didn't injure herself further. While the wound hadn't needed stitches, it had been a deep wound. He'd actually needed to burn some of her shoulder before he dressed it. Cauterizing the wound had been the fastest way to seal the wounds, after having disinfected them. If one were to peel back the bandages wrapped around her left-shoulder they'd be met by cracked and tanned skin, he'd managed to keep from severely burning her but there was little doubt in his mind she could feel where the heat had been applied.

"Right now the best thing you can do is relax, I'm not sure why you are out here in the woods but I doubt you'd have the strength to make a return trip right now." Finally, taking a deep long breath allowing the events of the past few hours to replay themselves over in his mind he heaves himself off the door frame. "I know that you no doubt are scarred, and probably in a good deal of pain but you need to trust me." Taking great care of her wounds, he scooped the girl up holding her close as he returns her to the bed simply setting her curled form down. Allowing her to remain that way as he sits at the far edge of the bed. "And I won't make you talk if you don't want. But I want to make you understand you are safe here. Whatever attacked you, it can't get you. Not in here, at least not while I'm around. I'm more than prepared to take on the beasts of the frontier." He places one hand on the knee that is closest to him, tilting his head to offer her an attempt a reassuring smile. He couldn't explain it, but deep down two feelings were beginning to emerge. The first was a sense of danger practically screaming that this girl was trouble, but the other was stronger; asserting it was his duty both as a man and a monster hunter to help this woman and protect her.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
"Get away...have to get away from him!" Yvette kept whimpering those words as he gently scooped her up before setting her down on the bed once more. At first that was all she would say panic gripping her until he reassured her that whatever had attacked her would not be able to get to her in the cabin. That he could handle the beasts of the frontier. Yvette was glad that he would not make her talk but he had to understand the situation. Even if it meant her life being snuffed thanks to what it was she was becoming. To her slowly awakening beast he was nothing but danger. But to her remaining shreds of humanity he was safe. He was the protection she had sought in her desperate escape from the beast.

"Werewolf." She says softly. "It was a werewolf. He said something about mate then bit me." Shuddering she fights the urge to cry. " I going to turn into a werewolf?" Fear filled her voice. "I don't want to be a werewolf." She sniffles and curls up tightly. "It hurts so much. I...I can feel it burning inside of me. As if everything is on fire." As she curled up her hands grasped at her scalp the poor thing hurting so very much. Deep down she knew what she would become. And it terrified her. "Please, put me out of my misery before I become a monster! I don't want to hurt people. So please, make sure I can't do that!" At least if she was dead then she would be with her father. Though, did beasts get an afterlife? She decided that it did not matter as long as others were protected from her.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

"No." The word was harsh and to the undiscerning listener, they might seem like a catch-all answer to the various questions and worries that had just been presented to him; but he turned bringing his legs up onto the bed to sit criss-cross and bring the full weight of his gaze down upon the maiden before him. "I will not kill you, I do not kill humans." Slowly he brought his right hand to cusp her face gently guding it upwards. "Look at me, hey." There was a rough-edge to his speech patterns now. "You aren't going to turn into a werewolf, at least not yet." His eyes drifted to the wall, and then out the window and up into the sky. Falling silent for a moment he observed the early-night sky, stars had just begun to peek out from their hiding places. Ancient guides and friends to all sentient races it seemed as if the stars were pointing him onwards until his eyes rested upon a vast dark spot in the sky, then there at the south-western edge he saw a silver of creamy-white in the sky the moon had just begun it's new phase yesterday. "You've roughly fourteen days before your first transformation." As he said this he closed his eyes a moment, letting the night sounds drift in. He could, of course, hear the firing cracking and popping in the main room, and the sounds of the forest had returned. Crickets though few in number as the seasons begin to change are still there fainter than in the summer. Their mating season having come and gone, a couple of various birds off in the distance.

"Which means you've got time, time seek out the cure or prepare to turn. And while I can't promise you that a cure is within your grasp I can promise should you choose to turn I'll safeguard you during that process. Stand beside you and see to it that your first hunt is carried out against simple critters rather than your fellow man." His hands shifted, going to clasp her hands. Thumbs stroking the tops of her fingers. "Listen, I know that you must be scared and I might not be your first option but the fates wouldn't have sent you my direction merely to have me draw arms against you." As he drew on it seemed as if Yyjorn's whole demeanor changed, words almost dancing from his lips; eyes almost popping with fire. "The call is yours to make, we can either seek out a cure or go further out into the frontier lands so that you can have a safe first shift." He gave her hands a squeeze, while it was true he wasn't an overly affection man nor prone to semi-religious speeches he sensed that perhaps she needed a bit of both right now.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
That one word caused her to fall silent her gaze shifting to his as he holds her chin being gentle yet stern at the same time. She had a choice before her to make. "I am alone in the world." She follows his gaze out the window. Two weeks. Just two weeks then she would make her first change. It was terrifying to think about. Would the change hurt? What if she was unable to change back? And if she sought the cure, would it work? What if it did not and she found herself stuck in her beast form. Though each wolf was different in how much they changed. "Do I have to decide right now?" Yvette was exhausted and just wanted to fall back asleep in the hopes this was all some bizarre dream.

"You called me a human. But I am not one anymore. I am a beast. Nobody would blame you for ending my life." She sits there, hands in his having yet to realize she had no tunic on. "My father passed not long ago leaving me to tend the farm on my own." Suddenly her muscular form would make sense to him. "And....what if he comes after me? I don't think he will give up so easily for as long as he knows I am still alive." Shuddering she tilts her head down and her hair cascades over her sweet face. "I am so scared. I don't know what to expect or what to do. I just want to go home but werewolves are not allowed to own land." These were laws set to keep humans and werewolves separate. "I don't know where I will go and what I will do." Pulling her hands away she wrings them anxiously. "You aren't obligated to help me."

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

"Yes, yes I am." Slowly he rose from the bed, uncrossing his legs and shifting them over the side before coming to his full height. He was a giant of a man, head cresting the roof of the small shack. "Not only as a hunter but as a good person. You didn't choose to be set upon by a beast, nor did you choose to have Lycanthropy forced upon you. I see no reason not to call you human. While it's true we don't know much about were-creatures we do know that they tend to bet more human than not. You don't have to let the disease control you." Yyjorn had slowly made his way over to the chair where the girls Tunic rested, casually he grabbed it, turning and tossing it to her.

"Now I'm not going to fill your head with naïve thoughts of curing yourself and striding back into your old life. As it stands the odds are against that. In the coming weeks your life will not doubt get as hard as it's ever been." He took a moment to stretch despite the gravity of the discussion he was able to relax, after all she needed someone right now. This gi- a thought occurs to him all at once, and he almost slaps himself for his sheer rudeness. "Forgive me maiden, but we've been talking all this time and I've yet to offer proper introductions. I am Yyjorn, of Clan Anquetil. Would you give me the privilege of knowing whom I'm now addressing?" It was almost a complete one-eighty from their previous topic, but one that needed to be addressed all the same.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
Yvette stared as he stood realizing just how tall he was for the first time. It distracted her enough that her tunic thumps into her chest finally causing her partially clothed situation to set in. As fast as she could she slips it back on grateful that it did not seem like he had taken advantage of her. Perhaps he was as good a man as he showed himself to be. He had taken her in, healed her and now he was offering her protection. She would be a fool to ignore such things. "Yvette, daughter of Erik the Red." As farmers they had no surname. Her father had bold red hair thus the name.

"I grew up on my father's farm. Mother passed while I was young. The same disease claimed my father. I suppose now that I am a werewolf I no longer have to worry about such things." She was trying to find the positive of her situation. Something, anything that would give her a reason to keep living. "Are you a hunter? I have heard tales in the tavern of Yyjorn the hunter. A man whose strength defies logic and whose heart lends him the compassion to treat all kindly even when killing beasts. I had thought it was all legend to lend hope to communities such as ours ravaged by attacks and disease." She blushes realizing that she had just rambled on without meaning to.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

"You are half-right, I am Yyjorn but I'm not mythic figure. Not some mist spirit conjured to defend the settlers and what little they own, though it might be just as well." He couldn't help but unburden himself a small chuckle, he'd never given much thought to how his actions might be perceived or the reputation they'd in turn foster for him. "But yes I am a hunter, in between hunts right now though." He took a moment, appearing lost in thought before speaking again. "Yvette, I'm not going to make you choose right now as this must be a lot to take in being attacked, saved and then realizing what will most likely transpire." There was no tactful way to tell her that the odds of a cure weren't even within the range of options. Without the blood of the one that'd turned her there was no way to make the elixir required to halt the process. Furthermore, they only had fourteen days to do so, once the first transformation transpired there was no turning back. Hence why lycanthropy was so feared a disease.

"But I have a third option for you as well, one that might even offer you some semblance of a normal life. You could come with me, I can't say where we would be going nor if you'd ever return to your farm. I can, however, promise you steadfast companionship and protection someone who would stand back to back with you against the world. Were-Creature or not." He had begun to slowly stride across the small room they resided in, it was a lot like the others they made up the cabin small and equipped with the basics; a mirror, dresser, cabinet, sink connected to the well beneath the cabin and a door with two locks. Both a handle lock and a deadbolt, a window directly across from the door just above the bed. "What I'm offering you is a place at my side for as long as you'd want it. You've already got a body built for combat. With some training, I think you could make a ferocious protector of the people." He kneeled down, coming back to eye-level with her. "But enough of that gloomy talk, we should eat you'll need your strength if you are to stay healthy during your Lycan-Fever." He wasn't a genius but he knew enough of various were-diseases to see how they functioned and how best to combat them so those afflicted wouldn't suffer during the build-up to their first shift.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
The third option surprised her. He was offering to let her stay with him. Not only that but a chance to protect others. She did not have to make a decision but it felt like her decision was made. "Yyjorn....I will stay with you." It made sense. He would train her meaning she would be able to defend herself in a fight. Besides that, it meant being around a person that knows what she is and is not bothered by it.

"Could you help me to the kitchen. I can cook and I feel that I need to repay your kindness. Who knows what might have happened otherwise." Well, she knew but she did not want to think about such things. "I know how to prepare a fresh kill and father taught me what is and is not safe to eat in the woods." Perhaps in her beast form she could hunt for the both of them. Yvette was a survivor and it would take more then this to bring her out.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

"And so it shall be." There's a slight to curl his lips when he says this, the words while ambiguous came out soft and with defined enunciation as if agreeing to some ancient rite. The moment was solemn and tense for a moment before the smirk which had been trying to creep across his surly features bloomed into a broad grin. "For the moment Yvette I'd advise against you doing more than resting." Leaning into her face he slowly brought a hand to her forehead, pausing a moment feeling for any temperature. "Though that does depend on how you are feeling, it isn't uncommon that a fever sets in after a being bitten by any were-creature. I'm not going to keep you in bed if you don't want to be there, but there's a caveat to that." He removed his hand from her forehead, satisfied that she didn't seem to have a temperature, but she had begun to sweat. Whether or not it was from sickness or nerves remains to be seen. "I want you to tell me the moment that you are feeling unwell, because the next two weeks are going to be harder than any other in your life." Eyeing her up and down, he was taking a moment to take the size of the girl. While she was no smaller than most people seemed to him she was came off as if she would possess more affinity for the trials ahead of her.

"But now then, let's go and prepare dinner." Before she could respond he swooped his arms beneath her frame, drawing one down to just beneath her back letting the other travel down to behind her knees. With a light flex, he whisked her up from the bedspread and spun carrying her like a maiden in the old stories, oblivious to that very notion he began to stride from the room the cabin should have a small meal area it might even just be connected tot he main room.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021
Her forehead was slightly warm and she was still sweating some but other then that there were no signs of a fever. There were less obvious signs of a fever taking it's grip upon her as her body went through unseen changes thanks to the venom in her blood. But for now it merely appeared that she was sweating some and nothing more. If she were to exert herself too much then it might become more obvious then it was at the moment. "I'm not one to stay in bed. Father would chastise me so much as a child because I would refuse to stay in bed even when sick." That came from living on a farm and knowing that there was no time to be sick. Animals still needed to be fed and crops needed tending to after all even if one was deathly ill. "I promise I will let you know if I am feeling unwell."

She was about to attempt to stand once more. Instead she found herself scooped up in his arms as he carried her away from the bedroom and into the small meal area. It was equipped with basics such as a wood stove and a sink that was connected to a small well meaning water could be pumped directly into the cabin without the need to have water carried in by hand. "Do you have any meat I can prepare?" She asks. As a were creature she would need more meat then your typical human. The protein was important for more then nourishment. It helped give her precious energy she would need as the next two weeks went on.

Victorian Neko

Thread starter
Jan 26, 2021

The rest of the night had gone much in a similar fashion to their earlier conversations, while Yyjorn was more accustomed to being on his own he was by no means antisocial. They talked as they worked, while he hadn’t any meat with him there was a stream nearby and he’d gone fishing prior to his other chores and salted it. Having grown up along the coastline prepare fresh-fish was a simple matter, as he’d explained while he demonstrated for Yvette. Durning his youth he’d been taught by his mother, she’d taken great care in teaching him how to prepare a meal from fish, fowl and berries and nuts.

In truth the night had been pleasant, a calm before the storm if there ever was one. For they both knew come morning things would get much harder. But he’d made as much preparation as he could. The fire had been going all night, and he’d gather several cloths and a bucket of cool water. The next three days were a myriad of activities. He’d seen the fever before of course, were-creatures were common place out on the frontier.

But he was relieved all the same when he came to check on her in the morning on the third day. “Yvette, how are you feeling?” He plops down at the edge of the bed placing a hand on her back. She looked better if nothing else.