Another Awkward Hello


the sound is deafening
Jun 14, 2022
Hi! -insert awkward wave- You can call me Snow. I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I have been roleplaying for 20+ years. I've been on and off message boards for all of those years as people have come and gone. I've recently gotten into roleplaying on Discord - nowhere near as fun but affective when needed. I hope to get comfortable in a place like this and get to write with many of you seemingly nice people.

In the mean time... enjoy some delicious coffee - my favorite.

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the sound is deafening
Thread starter
Jun 14, 2022
Welcome, Old One! Our 20+ years are...a telling factor in our ages. Lol
Haha! You've definitely got that one right. I'm sure we both have some very telling stories. XD Thank you for the welcome!

Hiya Snow. My name is Matsu. I too have roleplayed for 20+ years. I'm new here as well, and if you're ever interested in roleplay let me know. Regardless, it is nice to meet you! <3
Lovely to meet you, Matsu! It's always lovely to meet someone else who's been roleplaying for as long as I have! I will definitely think about it but either way, thank you so much for the lovely welcome! It's definitely a pleasure to meet you as well! :]