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Nov 10, 2020
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Name: Sarah VanWinkle
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128lbs (W/O gear)
Body Type: Muscular/Slim/Petite
Race: Human
Relationship type: Yandere
Occupation: Sniper

Weapon Loadouts:
Primary: Custom Built Mosin Nagant 1891/31
Backup: AMD-65 w/side fold skeleton stock
Sidearm: Springfield XDS-9

Sarah was born in the early 1990s as the European continent continued to burn from war. She was born to a regular middle class family in the mid-west. She was a bit of a loner growing up having few friends. Most days she spent outdoors in the woods and quickly learned survival skills. As she grew up she became more and more proficient with firearms namely a bolt action Mosin Nagant 1891/31. When she finally moved out of the house her dad gifted her the Mosin Nagant as a parting gift to help keep her safe.

She joined the US Military name the Army so she could become a sniper. Her tenacity and marksmanship stood her out among her peers. She was subsequently nominated for sniper school and the rigorous training that went with it. Quickly rumors started swirling about her in that she was not the greatest when it came to spotters and that one of the spotters who was assigned to her, ended up having a broken arm within the first two training days.

The days that followed that incident ended with instructors being partnered with her and the problems had mostly subsided. She fought with the instructor spotters from time to namely in how she is better then they are and what not. After training had finished they shipped her off to Europe and the front lines as a sort of revenge move.

She was assigned to the 924th Airborne infantry regiment Sniper team 4. This group primarily parachuted into their AORs, if the target was deep in enemy territory they would be dropped off as close as possible and would have to find their own way to the target. Since arriving in Europe and throughout the mission she has had a revolving door of spotters assigned to her and after every mission they requested someone else.


Thread starter
Nov 10, 2020

Name: Crimson
Age: 950
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160lbs (Earth)
Sex: Female
Power: Fire
Orientation: Bisexual


Thread starter
Nov 10, 2020

Name: Cobalt
Age: 890
Height: 6'
Weight: 160lbs (Earth)
Sex: Female:
Power: Ice
Orientation: Bisexual


Thread starter
Nov 10, 2020
Name: Dracorexus
Age: 980
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs
Sex: Female
Powers: Light/Ice
Orientation: Bisexual


Thread starter
Nov 10, 2020
Name: Jet
Age: 780
Weight: 140 lbs (Earth)
Sex: Female
Powers: Dark/Smoke
Orientation: Bisexual


Thread starter
Nov 10, 2020
Name: Kris Latch
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs
Body Type: Physical/Toned
Eyes: Hazel
Hari: Silver/shoulder blade length

Kris was born into a military family and from an early age was hell bent on joining the services. After coming of age she signed up for the Mechanized units, but was turned away due to her stature and lesser extent attitude toward those who would be her superiors in rank. Thus she created a Mercenary outfit, that operated in the mount ranges. She regularly stole equipment from the Regular Armies and added to her band. With help from mechanics and others who went along with her plan they had built several MECHs of their own from bits and pieces of others as well as added tanks and other vehicles to their inventory.