NSFW M for F Fantasy Action Romance Scifi Casual Open Fantasy, Action, Sci-Fi, and Exotic

Nov 7, 2023
Hello. I'm looking to write a fantasy/action RP with heavy smut involved. I play a male character and I'm looking for Female writers/character to join me. With the RP, we'll explore all kinds of settings, creatures, and magic... (With a bit of Sci-fi like portals, wormholes, and other sci-fi like materials thrown in.) Our characters can either be friends, friends with benefits, or romantic partners. This can include multiple sexual partners for both of our characters or individually so we can indulge each other with satisfaction. I'm open to the ideas.

My idea is simply; Enter a realm of fantasy adventure where we can explore, enjoy combat and battle, and have steamy smut all mixed together in one juicy package.

I typically write between 1-2 paragraphs per post. I'm not opposed to one liners during the smut scenes to keep the emotions and juices flowing but I do prefer a bit more when it comes to the fantasy exploration and action scenes. I don't expect perfect grammar or spelling. I'm not about that. I'm about us writing together and having fun. Now, it goes without saying - if I can't understand what you're saying or that the reply has nothing to do with the story to move it forward then that's a problem but don't stress the simple things. I want us to be writing partners and friends. I want my partner(s) to look forward to writing with me instead of worrying about performance and accuracy.

I don't mind to RP in Discord or in PM. I prefer either one the same. I get a bit shy when it comes to public threads.
Let's brainstorm and have a good time!