Action Adventure Open Menagerie IN SPACE! — Hekazu's nonhuman pairing search, sci-fi edition


Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
It has, once again, been far too long since I've written one of these. It's about time I put out something new, be it a simple revision and reprposing of an older thread. Welcome, one and all, to the new though probably not much improved MxF request thread of mine!

And who exactly are you?
Me? I'm Hekazu, a creator of characters and stager of worlds, a wordsmith for a fair bit of time though suffering of a lack of reputation given I am no published author. I have realised I am drawn to characters and settings that real life cannot provide to us, and even then an underlying plot device of some kind is definitely required. Slice of Life carries me only for so long. My usual characters of choice are those that are not human, or at least possess abilities that cannot be found on just anyone that's trained them in this mundane sort of life. I prefer to write in multiple paragraphs per post, and if the tale is to veer towards explicit themes I more or less expect there to be a background established. I sneak plots into everything. You'll see.

My posting frequency is unreliable at the present time, but I can safely say I should get everyone at least a reply per week, more if my other responsibilities allow me the opportunity. I'm around to partake in OOC chatter daily however, so should you miss my ever so illustrious self (yuck) you can reach me with relative ease, even if I won't happen to have the time to sit down and write a full IC post.

That is what I said, yes, yes indeed. It includes plenty of things, given humans are a very slim take on all that there is in the world. I've things from the popular weeaboo monster girls/boys to Elder Elementals of immense power, bipeds, quadrupeds, octopeds, crawlers, uncountables... Far too many to list them all. I tend to create them in great numbers, and hardly get to play them all. And some folks with just animal ears, or furry traits. I cannot promise to have everything, should one come asking, but I have plenty.

Do I expect you to play non-human characters as well? Nah, just go with whatever floats your boat. I'm equally interested in Nonhuman X Nonhuman as I am in Nonhuman X Human.

So about that science fiction?
Indeed! I was hit by the feeling that I want to explore the final frontier for a bit, and what better way to do that than in our imaginations? After all, I cannot imagine too many of us are actual spacefarers by trade, and even then we might as well forget all the cool alien things and half of the fancy technology if we went and did that. On this turn I bring to you a pair of ideas, one featuring more characters than the other, while also leaning further on the NSFW themes that will guide that particular RP solidly into the RLD or PM sections of the site. That's not to say that wouldn't be an option for the latter ones, but for those it is, indeed, an option and not a necessity to make the excuse of a plot work! Yes, actual plot. I told you I do that just a few paragraphs ago.

I'll split the two into their own spoiler blocks for the scrolling party's convenience (That'd be you! You're welcome!)
You may have heard that in the Dune fiction navigators are individuals who consume the ever-important Spice to expand their consciousness and be able to traverse space. Well, I iterated on that idea in a cursed manner and came to the obvious conclusion of anyone seeking to write NSFW content at times: What if instead of Spice this consciousness expanding effect was achieved in height of sexual bliss of select few species of aliens? Or perhaps these creatures are only aliens to those coming from space and we would call them humankind?

Either hired voluntarily or gathered on-board of a spaceship before the governments of <Planet> have told the truth to their denizens, your character would be one of these species blessed with the ability to navigate through warpspace. Only the ship she is gathered on is not exactly the top of the line stuff, so instead of machine-induced bliss, it has to come through… more organic ways, as assisted by the few other members of the crew. Actual crew plan up for debate, but I have some ideas myself. Come travel, let's look for treasure! It'll be fun!

Enter Rakesh Nuzum, callsign Sirocco. Rakesh has a past as a gladiatorial mech fight combatant, after which he turned to work that his slippery and flirtatious nature was well suited for: Spying. Or perhaps he still marches the battlefield in a mech or an exosuit? Sometimes reliving the old times feels good, especially when all of the combat drugs hit again. He was built for all of this after all, genome altered in laboratories to grant him a combination of human and lizard features. You wouldn't mind him snuggling up to you for some warmth, would you?

Rakesh is most definitely a femboy, enjoying dressing in frilly and girly clothes, dresses and whatnot, but simultaneously loves the tight bodysuits or more punk-like fishnet accessorising. He likes leading and following in equal measures when it comes to fun times, but one will never catch him unless he wants one to. And look at that, your character has managed to catch up to him. What's the motivation? Government work against the spy? Old fan from the mech fighting days? A challenger, perhaps? Sirocco has chosen to check your hand and see how you play it. The RP could take place more or less anywhere on the timeline, even in the middle of a new conflict. Talk with me about your ideas, and we'll make it a blast!

I think that's about that! I hope to hear of many of you soon!

And here, at the bottom, we have an archive of old revisions of this thread in case I should want to pull them to more active listing again:
So what is it that you mean by Dragonblood Special?
A fair question to be sure! I happen to be looking for plots with a few specific characters of mine as it often happens when it is me who is writing these threads instead of making attempts at including my characters in plots of others. And the shared theme between these characters is that they share features of dragons. The exact type of plots the characters are good for will vary between the two. So, to make things all around easier, I'll just get on to introducing each of them separately. Something of note is that both of the characters are looking for powerful opposites to themselves, only one of them is powerful back while the other will take more the role of a servant.

Plot types: Action, Adventure, Politics

The title "Mercenary King" is one that Freedan feels little pleasure wielding. Day by day, it mocks him, gnaws at him. How he could be a king, how he has everything required for a king, but land to call his own. And as he has no land, he is dependent on the land of others to produce the food and money to keep his own personal "kingdom" running. This has to come to an end. And this is why the Mercenary King has come to bargain. Or perhaps he has been summoned? Be it whatever way it may, the man with long golden blonde hair and glimmering amethyst scales covering his great wings, powerful shins and heavy forearms now stands before you.

An important detail regarding the RP is to indeed decide why Freedan has arrived. Perhaps your character has been seeking some vital piece of information, an ancient ritual, the means to attain an artefact integral to their plans? Or perhaps what is needed is instead Freedan's army, the mercenary king using the powers of his army to turn the tide of a war? Either way, there is a simple request that he is to make. He desires to become a real king, to cast aside the prefix. And so the deal will in an unavoidable manner include him marrying into the royal family, and with immediate results to boot.

In some cases, I can see Freedan taking a more personal approach to the quest, especially if it does not need the power of his armies. If that should happen, it might be beneficial for your character to be someone of power as well, and the two could depart on an adventure to fulfill the goal together, growing closer in the union in that way too. Otherwise, the RP is likely to take a more courtroom side of an approach where Freedan is present as a commander of his own side, and maneuvering on the political side will be in more focus. Or perhaps we can look at brewing a hybrid of a kind. Feel free to approach me and we can talk!

For a long time, a mighty warrior queen has been looking for access to magical infrastructure from ages gone by that would finally seal her dominion over the neighbouring kingdoms. The sacred cities of the Vaulters, the people that once ran those underground cities having vanished from the maps of the world. It is said that they finished their magnum opus, and finally mastered the art of teleportation. But even without risking vanishing from this world like they did, the cities provide magical links for instantaneous travel between them… for those who have the knowledge required to power them once again. Now, finally, this information is obtained by Freedan. All that remains is to confirm it. And for that, naturally, the Mercenary King insists on joining his now betrothed, to make sure his word is honoured… and to ensure he is not embezzled.

Plot types: Subterfuge, Intrigue, Politics

Barak is a a Drakken by his species, creatures rather similar to the dragonborn of Dungeons & Dragons, only with a pair of wings on their back. They are not to be confused with half-dragons as they are a distinct species, but if you want me to get into the nitty-gtritty we can do that somewhere other than the recruitment thread 😄

In the world of the RP, the ancient species of Drakken is considered a lower race to whatever one your character happens to be representing. Barak is one contracted to serve as a bodyguard to an important figure, but secretly from most such high class servants Barak has not been rendered deaf and mute. He still dons the usual trappings of a slave, heavy chains across his wings and a cloth over his eyes when he is not participating in direct combat, and he is always carrying a great weapon around. Barak is a fiercely loyal creature, even more so than most of his species are, and will follow his duty to his grave. But it won't be so simple as to bring death to him. He will make the enemy fight for every inch of his and his mistress' lives.

Barak and his Mistress are unlikely to be removing themselves from the courts, so the plots are definitely going to be very focused on the inner workings of the courts and possible instances of spying. Both as the side of perpetrators and those breaking the attempts against them. And while he will never be credited for half of an achievement, Barak will always be there.

The king and Queen are dead. The princess is to inherit the throne. But the deaths of the royalty, final as they are, are believed by none to be naturally occurred accidents. Nobody can be fingered as the guilty party just yet. There are many people that would want to lay claim to the throne, and now their target is young, not as experienced, and not quite as loved by the people. They would only have to wait for a little while, and then strike. All the more work for Barak. He swore to guard the princess and her interests with his life. And he will.
And what about the title? (Title of this thread used to be wordplay based on the classic sentence below)
Eye-catching at least on some level is it not? After hearing the phrase "This town ain't big enough for the two of us" many enough times, one begins to wonder if there exists an official capable of developing a settlement capable of housing two massive egos at once. Space wise, after all, everything should check out. But the lame joke is indeed a segue into the setting that I am looking forward to this time around, and that setting is none other than the Weird West.

What, the previous sections didn't clue you in on the fact I might not be working with just plain old Wild West here?

Then again, it isn't as if there is such a great difference between them. One just has magic, undeath, even more spirits with more tangible forms and all that, alchemy and so forth. And that's the one we are looking at here. Still very wild, still the old west we know and love, but mixed with a healthy dose of the supernatural. And by extension, I'm not looking for strict realism when it comes to the survival aspects of the time either. I would much enjoy if we could operate on the style > substance scale on that front. Rare enough from yours truly, but hey, it's fun to go that way when inspiration strikes!

But listen to me yammer on, I haven't actually got to the plot itself yet!

Plot: Strange Bedfellows
A legendary gunslinger woman (this would be yours!) has recently been hounded by the strangest phenomenon. It was never rare for her to be challenged by would-be legends, nor was it any surprise when they failed to match her skill with the gun. But what made this string of challengers more peculiar was that they all looked more or less the same. The hairstyle, the clothing, the colour of their skin, all of them matched with only minute differences. At first they had come in to challenge her as before, but then it had turned into straight up ambushes and attempts at her life from the shadows. And always she would find a similar looking guy behind the attempt. Six of them had come, six of them lay dead in a grave.

But now came a seventh, with his hands raised to his sides, and a request on his lips. To incapacitate him. To make it so he cannot attack her. And to make it quick, lest the chance slip away. And then they could talk, for he had a lot to talk about. About what is causing all of this. Why all of this is happening. And most importantly, as he feels quite slighted by the entire ordeal, he would want revenge. This vengeance towards the cause, in turn, would free the gunslinger from these hounding visitors. Naturally, trust is a precious commodity, but having made it all the way here, he will be patient to ensure at some stage, when he will be heard, this quest will be undertaken. And, should he be so lucky, be the end of it they may both be freed of their nuisances. If only he could talk directly and not have to guide her to pick up the trail of clues for her own, that'd be much more simple.