Announcement! Slight Update: Underage Character Rules


Mama Undead
Staff member
Horde Leader
Nov 5, 2020
Good morning, Lovelies.

We have made a small edit to the rules about underage characters, as we realized we should have defined it in more detail when it comes to what we allow and do not allow.
Writing Home never wants to limit creativity, but we want to ensure we do not promote or allow anything that could put us or our users in trouble, or cause us to lose our site.

So, we have better defined what is allowed with underage characters in our Content Rules. However, to save time, I will simply post the edited text in this thread. If you'd like to go read the entire section of underage rules in full on your own, please do.

Users may play characters under the age of eighteen in roleplays that are not sexual in nature following the rules below:
  • The roleplay must be 100% sex-free when said character is involved. No fade-to-black allowed for the underage characters.
  • If the character has a traumatic backstory of sexual abuse as a child (be them now an adult or a teen), it can only be referenced--not detailed or acted out in detail in the roleplay.
  • Characters may have children born when they were underage but they must be an adult in the roleplay (no teen pregnancy allowed).
    • You can, however, play an eighteen-year-old pregnant from an encounter at 17 as long as the RP starts when she is 18.
  • Side characters with little story time or actual playable nature may be teenagers who are pregnant if the situation is appropriate.
    • Example: You play a school psychologist and she, at times in the story, works with a pregnant teen. This is fine, but it cannot be a focus and the side-character must remain as a mere side character.

Mama Undead
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