Who's On Top? Pop Shop RP Stop

Dec 14, 2023

"Welcome to the soda shop! Get your malts, shakes, sodas, floats, and conversation right here! There's an arcade in the back and you can pick just about any flavor you want to wash down a coney or a burger, so step right up and pay up front in cash or no tasty food or drinks for you.

Got it? Good.

Oh, me? Eh, call me Mac. As good a name as any other. The owner? Nah, I just work here. But I suppose you wanna know about the flavors, too, yeah? Well, first thing's first: might as well introduce the place properly, starting with the owner...ah, hell, here he is. He can talk to you himself."

So, I've RPed collectively for roughly 15-20 years. I'd like to say I've done a little of everything but every time I think I have, some weird new trend or genre pops up. That's not even counting the ever-growing list of fandoms, more than half of which I've never even heard of. The one I've kept going back to is fantasy but I have a broad range of interests. The problem is that I haven't regularly RPed in a while and I sadly haven't been able to dive into it with the enthusiasm that I've had in the past. That being said, I would like to at least try to get back into some regular RPs. Just...bear with me.

So, some basic stuff to start off with:
  • I'm bi irl but this doesn't really matter in terms of what I play (in general). I've played men, women, and characters of less binary gender to varying degrees of success as well as those of varying sexualities.
  • I...tend to write a lot. As in, I've had posts that are a well over a thousand words in length. On the other hand, I've also had posts that aren't so verbose. My intro posts can be particularly long because I tend to put a lot of introspection and description into my posts. This does not mean you have to match my posts. Gods, that would be a lot of reading for us both. Nonono, I just need something to work with. You could skim to just the last few paragraphs in some of my longer posts, if you like, to get to what's absolutely relevant right then and there. True, you might miss something that could be relevant down the line, but it's entirely up to you. On the other hand, the bulk of it might never come up in RP again. Depends on the RP, really...but no, as long as I have something to work with, you don't have to worry about trying to match me. For that matter, it might be better if you don't. XD
  • I'll try not to overwhelm you but I make no guarantees. Most likely, I won't be writing posts as lengthy as I used to, but that's not to say I won't at all. Could still get lengthy, but might not. Again, depends on the situation. But I'll try to keep it reasonable. You'll usually get a few paragraphs out of me, at least; if I can't do that right off...yeah, might need some time to work out a longer post. Writer's block happens. Either way, I'll try to make an effort, at least.
  • All that said, I expect the same. Again, you don't have to post-match, but I do need something to work with. I'll try to be communicative but I'm...bad at communicating in general. In fact, I'm probably repeating myself more than once in this very list...I apologize. I may or may not have adhd (apparently no one could agree on that), not to mention ocd, so...yeah...sorry.
  • As implied above, I...am not as prolific as I used to be. I will try to post regularly but I can't guarantee a specific rate of posting. I apologize. My muse seems to be more fickle the older I get, and I'm fairly certain it's as drunk as I sometimes wish I was more often than not, so...yeah...
  • With that rambling out of the way, on to other ramblings...such as mature stuff. I have less experience writing romance than I probably should, and I very rarely write smut - and when I've written it with other people, it's always felt awkward. I dunno. Either I'm bad at it or just inexperienced or it's just awkward in general. I dunno. But! That doesn't mean I won't try. As long as it's not a whirlwhind "oh wow, we just met and I already wanna fuck you and let's do that right here and right now and" - yeah, no. Unless the RP actually calls for a hook-up, meaning the characters are looking for that and the situation leads naturally into it...not really interested in shoehorning things in.
  • As to actual smut, like I said, I very rarely write it and even more rarely with someone else. You can check out Obzezzion on Literotica.com if you wanna see my work there. But my go-to rule is fade-to-black, though the lead-up is fine. Hell, a hot make-out session might help me write romance better, who knows? Lol. Like I said, just not very experienced with it in general, at least with other people.
  • Romance is great, though! Just...not as the whole point of something. If it's part of the story, awesome. But I haven't done romcom-type writing, even if I have watched a handful of romcoms over the years, so...yeah. I think it's best if we just work out the pacing as we go, probably.
  • If we get to...y'know, stuff...we can talk about kinks and such then as well. I will say bondage is fun and domination might be as well. Hard to know which I'll wanna play - dom or sub - in such a scenario; I think it depends on the character. I had a gay dude who was definitely the more dominant type once - and also an asshole. XD On the other hand, I've played shy characters that would definitely be more sub and one or two shy characters that might turn out to secretly be surprisingly dominant. So again, something to discuss if we get to that point in whatever we're writing together.
  • Oh, something else...I...I have a sailor's tongue sometimes. And a filthy mind. May or may not come into play in RP.
  • Also...I haven't played canons in a loooooooooooong time. If I do play a canon, it'll probably be some AU version of it or a spin-off of that character...like...a gay Spider-Man from Earth-69696 or something. I play canons only with extreme rarity, as I always seem to fuck them up (or I'm just terrified of fucking them up).

"Right, so...that's him. Least, I think it's a him. Dunno. Those boots he's got confuse me. Also the hair...that's a lot of hair...eh, redheads are weird, anyway. So we got drinks and food - burgers, coneys, ice cream, shakes, sodas...also we got skee ball, pinball, basketball, all them video game machines - no tickets, just fun for a pocket full of quarters. Might be more now with inflation...I dunno. So what'll it be?

Eh? Oh, all sorts come here. You come 'round here, you're gonna see diff'rent char'cters with diff'rent ideas.
Eh? No, I don't care what your gender is. You can be whatever you want, s'long's y'don't cause trouble. Now you gonna order or what?"

So, some plot ideas - well, more general ideas than specific plots...
  • Pokemon
  • Vampires
  • Werewolves
  • ...cannibals?
Actually, that last one gives me an idea:
  • Cannibals in Pokemon!
  • So...in this case, I'd be an antagonist. You could be, too, if you like - or you could play the person who suddenly realizes that you're the entree. Or the dessert.
  • Really, this could work for vampires as well, though I don't see that working in Pokemon. At least with the cannibals, we could throw in Pokemon for shenanigans. Just imagine the Lavender Town theme playing the whole time. XD
I like superheroes & supervillains as well. If we want something deeper, people like Magneto or the Punisher or the Ghost Rider are interesting - they do bad things for good reasons. (Sorry, couldn't think of a DC example right now...maybe Catwoman, but that's a wee bit of a stretch even when she's teaming up with the Bat.) [ETA] Actually, the Ghost Rider is fascinating and would be very easy to slot some new OC into; after all, the whole point of the Ghost Rider is the selling of one's soul for...something...and then you become this flame-skulled bamf with a hard-on for turning people into guilt-ridden zombies. Or...something like that.

So...uh...characters? Yeah, characters.
  • Suppose I should make Mac an actual character, eh? Or at least an NPC. He clearly runs a soda shop & arcade, the old school kind. He's a boomer...probably. Maybe. All he cares about is whether you have fun, don't cause trouble, and he gets paid. Hm. The owner of the shop is probably a mysterious person. Could be plot fuel there.
  • Ethan Blake is a name I've been toying with but I'm not 100% on the surname. Ethan Drake sounds too edgy, and Ethan Edge just sounds like I'm trying too hard. Anyway, he's...well, he could be a bad guy or just an antagonist. Or a really annoying protagonist. Basically he's got a wee bit of arrogance to him; problem is, he's also very smart - which he uses as an excuse for whatever arrogance your plebian mind perceives, you silly special snowflake. Yes, he's gay, but he has standards (probably). He may not be a total asshole - or he might be worse than he first seems - but I could slot him into a lot of different types of stories.
  • I keep tossing the name Consuela about for a vamp as well. She's of either Latin American or Spanish descent and her first language is Spanish; she strongly prefers it. I also had a Mexican girl a while back but she had a bit of a backstory to her; Consuela really doesn't...other than maybe an ex-boyfriend/lover named Antonio, maybe? Also, if I go the VtM route with her, she diablerized her sire because he was a fucking abusive piece of shit who treated her like a pet or a slave, depending on his mood. And he was an elder. Staked his ass because she woke up first one night, so she just drained his paralyzed corpse until he was a corpse for real.
  • A new challenger character idea approaches! [based on one of my Stardew Valley characters] so Marisol is a schizophrenic girl who's basically harmless until you really piss her off. I mean like kick-her-cat-piss-her-off. Because she suffers from frequent visual and auditory hallucinations, she mostly keeps to herself and likes to be left the fuck alone. In fact, her motto - which, yes, she has literally had printed on several shirts - is "I have enough problems without talking to you. So leave me the fuck alone." (Ex. 1, Ex. 2) She manages to get by, but people are...difficult. She does indeed have a black cat with streaks of gray running across her fur in several places, including a couple partial rings on her tail; the back of her left ear is gray, along with her left forepaw and a ring around her right eye. The cat's name is Tatuana AND IF YOU TOUCH HER MARISOL WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. Marisol is of Mexican descent, fluent in Spanish (it's her first language), and has a lot of black or dark clothing; she's got olive skin, bright green eyes, and mostly straight shoulder-length black hair that she always wears loose; she stands five feet tall but is surprisingly strong.
That's all the characters I have in mind right now. Ethan obviously is very generalized right now but Consuela is more specific in terms of plot ideas. I might add more characters later. But yeah, you can play whatever you want (within reason/plottage, of course). This is just what I have ideas for on my end. And sorry for all the rambling; I'll probably forget what I typed by the time I next read this but...meh.

Will edit this note later but just wanted to say it's close to 1:30, so this whole thing is probably as confusing as it is rambly. Sorry. Hopefully can clean it up tomorrow. Nope - you're stuck with my rambling. But perhaps I'll (eventually) Or...at least add more definitive ideas. And I've seen this added to other recruitments so I figured I'd add it as well: if you do wanna rp, you can ask me what I'm into atm or offer an idea, but please don't just ask if I wanna RP. I do indeed wanna RP, but what I wanna RP (and what you wanna RP) might or might not match up - so discussion would obviously be needed there.

Lessee...perhaps some pairings would go good in here, as all I've really provided are a couple of possible characters and one possible plot...so um...yeah. Hm. Usually I just have a set plot and make a character for it and throw them into things, buuut...well, here goes:
  • Superhero [you] x Hero-in-Training [me]
  • Superhero [you] x Supervillain [me]
  • Vampires? I do love vampires.
Hmmm...plotz? Pick your flavor!
  • Oh! Here's one I stumbled on in a game a while back. Accidental Summoning - So, you're a mage. Or a witch. Or...something. You perform a summoning ritual. Whatever you're expecting, however, it's not...whatever my character is. Now you have to deal with whatever the hell you just summoned, and I have to deal with suddenly being summoned. Definitely a starting point from which to work forward, yeah? I am actually very intrigued by this one; I think it has a lot of possibilities for different types of characters. Maybe even have multiple threads, where each one is a "failed" summoning that brings a different character of mine to you? Could even have the original character of mine summoned again down the line. S/he/they'd be like: "OH COME ON!" XD
  • Hmmm...buddy cop but make it weird? Like...I dunno...monsters or aliens or...I mean, could do dinosaurs. Whoopi Goldberg did a movie like that once. I dunno, something for laughs. But dramatic laughs! Or...comedic drama. Or...something.
  • I dunno, I'm running out of ideas right now. Sorry.

Just so you know, I'm going to be updating this as I think of more things to add, complete with an ETA (edited to add) note(s).