Closed A careful look into the Menagerie | FxF edition


Menagerie Warden
Nov 11, 2020
It has been a few entire minutes since I've written one of these. Hooray for copypasting! Today I am looking to start with just one plot that I'm really looking for, and you might also find it available with nonbinary options linked further along in the thread. So, with the first few awkward lines said, spoken and shared, let's get to the whole recruitment shebang, shall we?

And who exactly are you?
Me? I'm Hekazu, a creator of characters and stager of worlds, a wordsmith for a fair bit of time though suffering of a lack of reputation given I am no published author. I have realised I am drawn to characters and settings that real life cannot provide to us, and even then an underlying plot device of some kind is definitely required. Slice of Life carries me only for so long. My usual characters of choice are those that are not human, or at least possess abilities that cannot be found on just anyone that's trained them in this mundane sort of life. I prefer to write in multiple paragraphs per post, and if the tale is to veer towards explicit themes I more or less expect there to be a background established. I sneak plots into everything. You'll see.

My posting frequency is unreliable at the present time, but I can safely say I should get everyone at least a reply per week, more if my other responsibilities allow me the opportunity. I'm around to partake in OOC chatter daily however, so should you miss my ever so illustrious self (yuck) you can reach me with relative ease, even if I won't happen to have the time to sit down and write a full IC post.

That is what I said, yes, yes indeed. It includes plenty of things, given humans are a very slim take on all that there is in the world. I've things from the popular weeaboo monster girls/boys to Elder Elementals of immense power, bipeds, quadrupeds, octopeds, crawlers, uncountables... Far too many to list them all. I tend to create them in great numbers, and hardly get to play them all. And some folks with just animal ears, or furry traits. I cannot promise to have everything, should one come asking, but I have plenty.

So what's this careful look business?
Good question! For now, I'm looking for just this one particular plot below, though should I find an interesting recruitment thread I might come to you instead. And if you don't mind lowered chances of success, you can always come to me and we can talk. Success will not be guaranteed, but I can assure you that if we do not talk, the chances of anything happening are infinitely more slim!

So without further ado, the plot I am currently looking for!
MC: Woman known by the alias Stone-Blind Madame, a blindfold wearing snake tailed merchant.
YC: Bodyguard and maidservant to MC. Role also available as someone with a bit extra to that here.
Important side characters: Head of servantry at MCs estate, under my dominion. Does not speak, but will communicate in other ways.

The Stone-Blind Madame is no poor woman, nor is she particularly lacking in influence or admirers. The issue she faces is, however, that this support is local. Her businesses may have revitalised the seaside town her residence is in, or even resurrected, but her money is more than a little bound to this area as things stand currently. Her support among the populace of the town is hardly numerous enough to grant her influence outside its very limited scope, and she seeks to rectify this by expanding her business elsewhere. But for that to happen, the woman with the petrifying gaze hidden beneath a piece of cloth must travel out of her home, to the cities where she seeks to establish further trade. As said journey brings her outside of territory where she is met with cheers and instead where she will no doubt have enemies, given her threat to someone else's coffers, she will need some assistance in making sure everything goes to plan.

This is where your character comes in. She is hired to work alongside the head of servantry and the Madame herself to ensure the success of MCs plans, at least to the degree that ensuring she will not be the target of physical assault will bring. And if the bodyguard and their employer should expand their relationship beyond the level of strict professionalism, well that would only be most welcome by the merchant lady.

My preferred time period for this would be modern-esque, granting the bodyguard access to guns. Aside from that, I'll have to request that YC would not mind dressing in battlemaid aesthetic, garters, knee length dress, maid hair clip and all that jazz, while kicking ass with their abilities in combat should the need arise.

Thanks for stopping along! I look forward to hearing of you soon!