F for F Fantasy Moderate Open Jewel's thread

Dec 20, 2021
About me and what I'm looking for:
Hello! I need someone who will write 100+ words per response, I need someone with good grammar and spelling and punctuation so that I don't have to search your response trying to figure out what your trying to say and do. You need to be experienced with role playing because I tend to think up some complex plots and I want someone who can handle that. I want the both of us to be having fun with this role play so communicate with me! Also I understand that life gets crazy so if you disappear for awhile, that's ok. When your ready to pick up the role play again just send your response and we will pick up right where we left off, no judgement. I will always play as a female, and as a general rule of thumb, If we are going to get romantic or sexual in the role play then you need to be playing as a female.

A roleplay idea:
One of my ideas is that we are both strangers to each other going about our lives in a modern. Then, one day we end up in an alternative world with no way back. In this world we encounter magical creatures and each other, we become good friends and lean on one another to make it through this journey. As we go we encounter this school of magic that we end up enrolled in and we find out that each person in this world has a magical animal that they are basically soul mates with. Each animal is meant for one specific human and animal and human cannot have multiple of the other. They can help others with their animal or human but they can't be ridden or form a close relationship with. With this role play I don't care what gender the other player is.

I have also been really craving playing as a friendly dragon, so if you have any brilliant ideas for that...

I am willing to play multiple characters in one role play if that ends up being necessary. I would also love to hear your role play ideas, I have many years of experience with role play. I have played as human, animal, and things in between (e.g. fairy, elf). I also enjoy a good BDSM scene, though I will be the submissive one 90% of the time.

Reply in DM, I will ignore comments.