Fantasy Adventure Scifi Hetero Moderate Open The Devil is in the Details

Otherworld Literacy

Speaker of Wisdom
Apr 11, 2024
In the war between angels and devils, angels always win, but devils have more fun.

Thank you for taking the time to read this introductory post. I will endeavor to tempt you with these words, or at least make you smile.

Where to begin? I’ve spent many aimless days and nights wandering through the World of Details. I’ve created many great souls, breathed life into countless worlds, and snuffed out their splendor with ink, pen, and keyboard throughout my existence. What can I say, writing is my passion.

The reason you’ve come is to determine what I am keen on writing. While I’d love to say anything, there are words that don’t flow from my mind as easily as others. Let me begin my explanation by saying I find all genres appealing to read, but alas, my skills don’t lend to everything. This being said, I am not a pure Slice of Life writer. I envy those who can breathe life into words about lives I could only wish to live, the truth of the matter is my skills tend toward the more fantastical.

Most commonly, my love for the written word encompasses four genres: Fantasy, Fantastical Science (I loathe the term Science Fiction – details to be learned upon request of the reader), Magical Realism, and Mythic Modern. Please note that while I will speak of each of these four in an order, I do not rate them as such. I love them all equally, but until I master writing all things at once, I’m limited by my linear thinking.

Fantasy: Sword and Spell speaks to me highly. Regarding that, I would say that the grit and drama of the common souls, mixed with a population of magically inclined people (inclusive of a system where magic burns through those who don’t reflect on its proper use), fulfills me. Additionally, anything of a high sea’s nature is also welcome.

Fantastical Science: I adore exploration, which pushes this drive forward. Whether it is seeking breathtaking worlds, discovering new xenomorphic cultures, or engaging a classist regime in a revolutionary setting while piloting mechanical monstrosities to save a faltering republic from a universe of oppression, I am the partner for you.

Magical Realism: Navigating a world populated with the supernatural is always a treat for the senses. Vampires, werewolves, djinn, and other less mundane creatures hiding in the thin veil between our world and there’s is most spectacular.

Modern Mythic: This term is of my own creation. In my mind, these settings are akin to magical realism, but instead of the mythic creatures being hidden from the eye of the public, such as seen in Lost Girl or Shadow Hunters, they are part of the world’s economy.

Now, to whet your appetite for writing. Here is a small selection of ideas I am brewing. My limit is not even close to being reached here, so if you see nothing to your fancy, but have enjoyed my style, I encourage you to reach out as I prefer to collaborate on settings, characters, and stories. This is our adventure, let us make it so… (Star Trek pun not intended, but not unwanted).

Story 1: Low Fantasy - The Pirate's Voyage: A pair of crews set out to find a hidden treasure, but they are both of them lied too. A hunter of the free folk sank both ships, leaving only two to survive. Upon finding one another, they discover the rumors of the lost treasure weren’t unfounded. With a stash of ancient gold, and a small vessel that is salvageable, the two strike out to bring retribution against the hunters and their empire.

Story 2: Fantastical Science - The Expansion: In the age of The Great Star expansion, a pair of disenfranchised pilots head to the outer rim to seek a quiet life. The universe, however, isn’t willing to leave them alone. The war they fled reaches out to claim their new home, but the Resistance isn’t willing to give up the freedoms they’ve built for themselves. A pair of galactic space aces might just turn the tide of war, one way or the other…

Story 3: Modern Mythic - A War for the Ages: The fey, a generic term for all creatures of myth and lure, weren’t able to keep themselves hidden. The veil fell and since the Industrial Revolution, the fey have been known. While animosity kept them from mingling with humans, the prejudice has since passed. Now, every city in the world plays host to large populations of these supernatural entities. When a human stands in the middle of a brewing gang war, being a non-fey may be the only thing that can keep the city from plunging into pure chaos. This can be true modern, post-apocalyptic, Industrial, or Industrial post-apocalyptic as we can discuss.

At this point, I assume you would like to know my limitations and preferences. I can, and will, play any gender. My mind is open to all things; I have no -isms. Generally, I consider myself straight regarding romantic interludes. I am not rebuffed by sexuality as long as it makes sense in the story. Torture, sexual crimes, and excessive gore without purpose are triggers and must be avoided. If you have questions, deliver them, and I’ll answer them as fully as I think most fitting.

Now, the hour grows late, and I shall bid you farewell. I look forward to seeing your words of introduction if you find this or anything about me interesting thus far. I look forward to walking with you in the details.
